The ONLY 3 Supplies You Need for Potty Training
Jul 29, 2024
I’ll get straight to the point NAME.
Stop 🛑
-wasting money
-confusing your child
-schlepping crap
These are the only items that truly make a difference when you’re potty training:
- Floor Potty
Having a proper potty that sits on the floor is key to successfully potty training your child. I’m not saying your child can’t learn to use the toilet in those early days. However, a floor potty allows a small child (aka toddler) to feel stable and grounded. Think about it – if you were dangling on a very high backless stool would you feel comfortable peeing and pooping?!
Here’s my 2 favorites:
- Travel Potty
This OXO Tot travel potty is just that. It comes in a bag that can fit in your over the shoulder tote bag and works wonders when you’re at the park, a restaurant, or music class. Here’s the thing – even if the restaurant has a nice, clean bathroom, your child may feel more comfortable using something low to the ground that fits their body. Knowing they have this option could prevent an accident. When my oldest was in his 2nd day of no diapers, we were unexpectedly invited somewhere and this travel potty seriously helped!
- Wet Bag
I’ve used these Alva Baby Wet bags for years. Now we use them for wet bathing suits or just to store extra clothes when we travel. They come in a ton of color and pattern options and are a great price. Wet stuff won’t leak, and you can throw everything, including the bag in the wash.
Now let me tell you about the stuff you don’t need (and why)!
Training underwear – Sounds like a great idea but this causes confusion for your child. Often, when children are learning how to recognize the urge, they pee a little bit and then run to the potty upon realizing the pee is coming out. With training underwear, they can’t always feel the wetness until it’s too late.
Pull ups – Basically glorified underwear and also causes confusion for your child. If you’re already using pull-ups it’s fine, but make sure to use correct language. Don’t call pull-ups big kid undies or sleep undies. When you use the word underwear, it should be for actual underwear! I personally like diapers because I find them easier to manage. If you’re concerned about your child learning to pull up underwear, have them practice other self-care skills like pulling up sweatpants, putting on shoes and jackets, brushing teeth etc.
Potty seat – As a NYC apartment dweller, I know the challenge for space. If there’s one unnecessary item I say OK to, it’s a potty seat that fits securely on your toilet seat. Keep in mind that if you have a potty seat, you also need a stable step stool so your child can get up and down from the toilet. This is not my favorite and I much prefer a floor potty, especially if your child is just learning potty skills.
Tinkle Target – Yes, some children love these, but I think balling up a piece of toilet paper and telling your child to hit the sailboat also works. Here’s my big problem with these – when boys are first learning to pee, I always recommend they pee sitting down. Why? Because they must sit when they poop so I find they are more successful if they first learn to pee and poop sitting down.
If you have already collected an abundance of potty items, put some away. Your child will need practice and time to learn how to use everything.
And if you have a favorite item, reply and tell me about it!