Which Sleep Training Method Would You Choose? Hint: There’s Only Two!
Jan 23, 2024
No matter how many books you read, they will all fall into one of these categories.
The tricky part is what you do when you leave/stay in the room.
Basically, when you LEAVE THE ROOM, that means you are letting your baby ‘cry-it-out.’ This could be all night or this could mean timed checks.
When you STAY IN THE ROOM, you are present with your baby in the room. With this method there is also a range of support offered depending on which approach you choose.
As a Gentle Sleep Coach I believe gradually fading out parental support is beneficial to both the parent and child.
Letting your baby cry it out is tough, especially if there are habits and sleep crutches involved.
With the Sleep Lady Shuffle you can adapt to depending on your comfort level, your baby’s needs, and your baby’s temperament. Here’s the big bonus: you’ll learn to read your child and ultimately be more in tune with their needs and their abilities.
While leaving and letting your baby cry-it-out might be an easier method to follow, this doesn’t always work for parents and babies.
Some considerations include age, temperament, medical history, parental feelings towards sleep training, and attachment.
Here’s an infograph depicting these 2 methods.
Don’t feel pressured to try the cry-it-out method. You may unintentionally train your baby to cry until you pick them up! Read my recent blog to learn more.