Sleep Education Should Be Mandatory for New Parents
Oct 18, 2023
I am now offering Gentle Sleep Coaching! More details about my certification and the method will be posted on my website. For now, read along and spread the news! This service is for any parent/caregiver with newborns through 5-year-olds.
Sleep education should be mandatory for new parents.
The first time I held a newborn was my own child.
When I had my children, there were certain videos that we had to watch before being discharged from the hospital – Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome and Crib Safety. I don’t know if all hospitals require this or if the videos are still the same.
I was fortunate enough to have other resources like a labor and delivery class, caring for newborn class, and a lactation consultant in the hospital.
One piece of education that was missing was SLEEP. There was no mention of sleep basics, sleep shaping, sleep science or sleep variations – co-sleeping/room sharing/nursing/bottle-feeding/etc. I was clueless, and I, just like most other parents, struggled to find a simple, intuitive, and comfortable way to sleep train my children.
Thankfully, Gentle Sleep Coaching supports the child AND the parents in a customized, respectful way to get the whole family sleeping more.
Check out these FREE GUIDES by my trainer Kim West aka The Sleep Lady®
Keep a Sleep Log for 1 week to see if there are any patterns in your child’s nighttime sleep or naps. Not sure what to put in a Sleep Log? Book a FREE 15 minute call with me and I’ll walk you through (and share) my template to get you started.