The School Day Morning Hustle
Jan 20, 2023
As I stand at the bus stop waving goodbye to the faces peering out the school bus windows, a wave of freedom passes over, and suddenly, my fellow parents and I have plenty of time to chit chat, stroll, and reminisce on the weekend happenings. Just 7 minutes before, I imagine most of us sweating and nagging our family to hustle lest we miss the school bus that solves our traffic filled crosstown school commute.
When my children were even younger, I remember feeling like I ran a marathon by 8am, and finally exhaling once I sat down at my desk for work by 8am! I’d rush into my shared office and dump my stuff, open the windows, blast the AC and chug from my water bottle. I know I’m not alone, and through my experience as an early childhood educator, I’ve side eyed many parents sweat through drop offs, schlepping bags, strollers, scooters and toddlers in their arms.

One of our family pain points used to be getting the entire family out the door (which now includes 3 kids and puppy). Over the years, I leaned on my professional education and experience to smooth out our mornings. As an early childhood educator who has been a teacher and administrator, I know the tools used in classrooms can be easily adapted to work at home. Yes, it is a completely different story when it is your parent nagging you versus the teacher – but there are a few key points that teachers set right from the beginning of the year.
Setting Expectations Beforehand
Teachers are very clear about what they expect from their students – and they are constantly reminding their class of these! At some point you may have heard your child’s teacher use a phrase like, “Remember, in XXXX class we raise a quiet hand.” The key is to figure out where your family struggles, and then come up with an appropriate expectation.
Preparing the Environment
Isn’t it nice knowing where to find things? I bet your child knows where everything goes in their classroom!
What does this mean for our morning routine? Backpacks, shoes, and outerwear all have a space. A personal challenge in my family is making sure the shoelaces are untied upon removal. We’ve been known to use a screwdriver to unknot to avoid missing the bus!

Empower Independence
While I might think it’s faster to do everything myself, I would burn out and take away opportunities for my children to learn! So I ask, what tools can I provide so my children can be more independent in their morning routine?
Check my Resources page for my 5 Top Morning Tips!
I share these thoughts as a fellow busy parent who also has the insights of a pre-school teacher and education director. Make one manageable change in your morning routine and feel the difference. Let me know if it’s working. I want to hear from you!
Email me at [email protected].